Ways To Generate More Organic Search Traffic

You know when people tell you,"write content " use content marketing and you will get a ton of traffic, they are lying. That's not how it works.

Just because you write content it doesn't mean you are going to generate more visitors. Today I'm gonna  share with you how to write content that generates traffic.

See, if you can write content on anything and generate traffic, then everyone would be successful when it comes to SEO and content marketing but that's not the case. If you don't wanna be one of those people who's writing content and getting no results, you need to do few things.

Step 1: Go to ahrefs. Put in your competitor URLs when you put in your competitor URLs, you can see a list of all their most popular pages. Go to each and every single one of those pages, and go write better content than what they have written.

Step 2: The next thing you need to do is go put in that specific URL that your competitor had, rewrote that and made way better.

So if their article explained 10 ways to double their search traffic you explain 100 ways to double your search traffic. Then, what you gonna do is see who links to them and hit up every single one of those people try to attract them towards your work via Email.

When you start sending that Email templates, you're gonna get more links, and, eventually, you're gonna rank for the same terms your competitors have and even outrank them because your content is way better and thorough, which google promotes with their humming bird algorithm.

Step 3: The last step I have for you is go to Buzzsumo, and do the same exact thing. Type in your competitor's URL, and you'll see what's popular from a social prospective where they are getting their Facebook traffic, their Twitter traffic, their Linkedln traffic. You take their most popular articles and write way better ones. If they had a article on 10 ways to do something you write an article on 100 ways to do something once you follow all those tips, your content will be way more amazing.


MichaelAngelou said…
Is this a suitable way to gain recognition for a persona or a pen named writer? Also, my friend and I want to start a publishing company. I am fairly new to the whole writing/blogging of today's technological age. Isn't writing about a topic someone else wrote about, kind of taboo?
Anupam Verma said…
NO its not. Your views on some topic may differ from others or you can share some extra knowledge on that topic, the world is competitive you have to be a step ahead.
deepack gupta said…
very nice thank u