What Are The Best Times To Post On Social Media Platforms.

Do you have Marketing passion or you're going to set up new Business? If you answer "yes" which means this blog is only for you. While you start a new Business you need a social platform to attract your customers, therefore, you have to post regularly about your business and ideas to make your base stronger.

While posting on any social platform one thing you have to remember that at what time you should post so that more and more customers are engaged with you.

Today I am going share about Instagram We can't leave out that social network you should know at what time you should post on Instagram.

Step 1: The first thing I want you to do is to sign up for a tool called Iconosquare, and I could be saying it off, but you get the point. you go to the site, you sign up for their tool, and it's analytics but it's analytics for Instagram.
The reason I'm saying is using it is it breaks down what regions your followers are from. Are they from the United States? Or are they from Mexico? Are they from London or are they from India?
This will give you ideas of what time frame you should be posting.

Step 2: The second thing you have to do is post during the mornings of the time zone that most of your followers are. So if most of your followers are in the United States, you wanna post mornings in either Pacific Standard Time or Eastern Standard Time. I've found that when you post during the mornings, you get the most amount of likes, engagements, comments than if you posted at night because during night time people fall asleep, your content's really old, they wake up the next morning, and then you know what? Instagram's algorithm's like, oh not a lot of people saw this and they looked at it, let's just bury it, and let's just show them the fresh content.

Step 3: The third thing you wanna do is really understand your audience. You shouldn't just be posting based off the time frame your users are in, but you also need to understand and communicate with your audience. If you find that they wake up late, then post later. If you are a Business guy you know your audience is up early so you post early in the morning. And by doing that you gonna get the maximum engagement based on your follower account.


deepack gupta said…
Nice post Thank u for sharing